5 Things To Watch Out for if You Don’t Use Water Filters

You brush your teeth and rinse with the water from the faucet. You fill up your water bottle so that you’re hydrated throughout the day. You add water to your food whenever you’re cooking on the stove.

5 things to watch out for if you don’t use water filters

Water is a constant in everyday life. It’s an essential element that makes life easier and maintains a healthy body.

Perhaps you don’t live in one of the US states with the cleanest drinking water. You may question the quality of your home’s water. Is it truly safe to consume?

If you’re on the fence about implementing water filters, there’s more to discover about the contaminants within unfiltered water. Read through some of the things to watch out for if you don’t use water filters. Educating yourself on contamination and health risks could help you safeguard the future of your health.

Contaminated water poses significant health risks that cannot be ignored. One notable case is the Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit, where military families faced severe health issues due to exposure to contaminated drinking water. While chlorine, calcium, magnesium, copper, and arsenic are common water contaminants, the consequences of exposure extend beyond skin irritation and plumbing problems. Understanding the potential risks associated with unfiltered water underscores the importance of investing in reliable water filtration systems. Reverse osmosis filtration systems and carbon filters are both incredible mechanisms for removing contaminants from the water. Implementing these systems at home will give you peace of mind that your water is safe to use.


When you think of chlorine, it may remind you of the chlorinated pools in the summertime. Water suppliers use chlorine as a disinfectant to rid water of bacteria, viruses, and various microorganisms that could induce illnesses or diseases.

Chlorine is an effective solution. However, it’s not always preferable to consume or touch. The disinfecting additive can easily irritate the skin. You may notice that your skin feels dry and flaky after you shower. This sensation is due to chlorine extracting natural oils from the body. Installing water filters around the house will give you access to clean water that effectively hydrates and moisturizes your skin.

Calcium and Magnesium

Other skin irritants may reside in the water supply, too. Calcium and magnesium are two common minerals that dissolve in water from soil and rocks. The naturally occurring minerals aren’t detrimental to one’s health, but they can contribute to some complications.

Calcium and magnesium leave residue on surfaces and cause hard water. The presence of these minerals can also make your hair feel dull and affect the home’s plumbing system.


Metals can also infiltrate the water. Old copper pipes are susceptible to rusting and chipping. When your home has hard water, you become even more at risk of this occurrence.

As the water flows through the pipes, the copper debris flows within and exits the faucet. You may end up touching or drinking water infused with copper. Consuming water with excessive amounts of copper may cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and various other digestive complications.


You must also watch out for arsenic if you don’t use water filters at home. This naturally occurring element appears within the water from eroding rocks or through the disposal of water from industrial and agricultural endeavors.

While arsenic is a regulated substance that water companies actively attempt to eliminate, you never know when the levels may rise again.


Many industries continue to produce plastics that are unrecyclable and will virtually never fade away. These plastics eventually break down into microplastics, which plague the air, soil, ocean, and freshwater sources. They can then penetrate the water supply.

Very few water companies have protocols in place to manage microplastics. While there isn’t a conclusive explanation of exactly how microplastics affect our health, it’s best to be proactive and remove the substance.

Reverse osmosis filtration systems and carbon filters are both incredible mechanisms for removing contaminants from the water. Implementing these systems at home will give you peace of mind that your water is safe to use.

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